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SRX1330197: GSM1906337: Laublab_NA1000_ML2297_Pxyl-gcrA-3xFLAG_PYEX_Rifampicin_AntiFlag_ChIPSeq; Caulobacter vibrioides; ChIP-Seq
1 ILLUMINA (Illumina HiSeq 2000) run: 12.1M spots, 485.4M bases, 202.1Mb downloads

Submitted by: Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO)
Study: The bacterial cell-cycle regulator GcrA is a s70 co-factor that drives gene expression from a subset of methylated promoters.
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Cell cycle progression in most organisms requires tightly regulated programs of gene expression. The transcription factors involved typically stimulate gene expression by binding specific DNA sequences in promoters and recruiting RNA polymerase. Here, we find that the essential cell cycle regulator GcrA in Caulobacter crescentus activates the transcription of target genes in a fundamentally different manner. GcrA forms a stable complex with RNA polymerase and localizes to almost all active s70-dependent promoters in vivo, but activates transcription primarily at promoters harboring certain DNA methylation sites. Whereas most transcription factors that contact s70 interact with domain 4, GcrA interfaces with domain 2, the region that binds the -10 element during strand separation. Using kinetic analyses and a reconstituted in vitro transcription assay, we demonstrate that GcrA can stabilize RNA polymerase binding and directly stimulate open complex formation to activate transcription. Guided by these studies, we identify a regulon of ~200 genes, providing new insight into the essential functions of GcrA. Collectively, our work reveals a new mechanism for transcriptional regulation, and we discuss the potential benefits of activating transcription by promoting RNA polymerase isomerization rather than exclusively recruitment. Overall design: Examination of GcrA, RNAP, Sigma70 ChIP in PYE and in PYE + rifampicin-treated for 30 min; sigma32 and sigma54 in PYE + rifampicin-treated for 30 min
Sample: Laublab_NA1000_ML2297_Pxyl-gcrA-3xFLAG_PYEX_Rifampicin_AntiFlag_ChIPSeq
SAMN04160498 • SRS1113319 • All experiments • All runs
Instrument: Illumina HiSeq 2000
Strategy: ChIP-Seq
Selection: ChIP
Layout: SINGLE
Construction protocol: Cells were lysed and DNA sheared by sonication and protein-DNA complexes were isolated with indicated antibody Libraries were generated on a Beckman-Colter Genomics SPRIworks system using 200-400 bp size selection and amplified 12-16 cycles
Experiment attributes:
GEO Accession: GSM1906337
Runs: 1 run, 12.1M spots, 485.4M bases, 202.1Mb
Run# of Spots# of BasesSizePublished


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